Vladimy Plouis CPA, PLLC

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Vladimy Plouis CPA, PLLC


Vladimy PLouis, CPA, PLLC (VPLCPA) is a professional service firm providing its clients with tax, accounting and consulting solutions for their everyday problems. VPLCPA was created with you in mind: the individual taxpayer and the small business owners. We are an innovative and creative 21st century Company utilizing the 21st century technology and techniques to help solved our clients tax problems and provide the best accounting and consulting solutions. We help individual and businesses clients solve complex tax issues through Tax Planning and Dispute Resolution techniques. If your goal is to run your business and generate profits, then we are a match because our goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals. We are a professional service firm that thrives in solving complex tax and accounting issues. We use our experience and other methods to resolve complex tax issues on behalf of our clients. Remember, a good defense against the powerful government is a great offense that requires you, as the taxpayer, to tackle your issues early and have a Qualified Professional on your side who understands and is able to translate the laws in your favor. The laws are very complex; do not go at it alone and find yourself hit with a heavy burden.

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